Volunteer Jobs
Our volunteer program accommodates all levels of skill and experience. Persons with expertise in mentioned below fields will be the most helpful. If you do not have much experience but are willing to learn – our team members and other volunteers will assist you. Yo can still volunteer with us and make positive impact.
Currently we need help in areas described below. We are also open for new ideas to extend our activity
Education / Teaching
We support local schools in in various subject areas and levels. We help with teaching, organize reading clubs and spelling bee contests for children. We also organize workshops for teachers. Seeing volunteers in their schools alone encourages kids to always be in school.
Volunteers can help in teaching from Kindergarten to Junior High Schools. Some of our volunteers who are qualified teachers conduct the lessons themselves. Other serve as teaching assistants (attendants) in the schools.
The work at the Kindergarten and lower Primary School classes is to teach songs, rhymes, drawing and painting, games etc. Kids also start to learn letters and numbers at the beginning of education path (age 3-5). Teaching young ones is very interesting and fun. Many of our volunteers enjoy working with younger kids.
For older children, there are school programs and text books (for each age grade) to follow, but there is always an opportunity to introduce new activities. There is time for games and library on the timetable . Art and craft activities are always popular. Children here love art so we help them in developing creative skills.
Our volunteers also help children in reading clubs and doing their homework. Finally, we also organize summer school.
FCF supports children from poor family background. We provide educational materials such as books, pens, pencils etc. Volunteers can also bring some durable toys and play equipment for school kids.
Learn more about our Projects and Donate here:
Health and Sanitation
We organize sensitization programs in local communities and in our partner schools. We talk about water related diseases, sanitation and best hygiene practices. We also educate people on HIV/ AIDS, adolescent reproductive health, teenage pregnancy, etc.
We invite volunteers with health service experience to help us in that area.
Women And Girls Empowerment
We deal with communities where poverty is an issue and girls drop out of school due to teenage pregnancy. To support such communities we give them skills training (soap making, bead making, etc. )
We help vulnerable girls through sensitization programs and mentoring. We want girls to take further their education. We encourage women and girls to take up job opportunities believed to be for men and to be self reliant.
Fund Raising
Most of our activities are sponsored by volunteers . We need volunteers who will seek for donations from organizations, individuals, partners, any supporters… We will welcome any advice and ideas how to raise funds to support our projects.
We need volunteers for administrative work. You can help us with writing good proposals for our projects, reports, letters, scouting for volunteers, etc
Some of our ex-volunteers keep up with a good job and help us with potential new volunteers. They answer questions, help to prepare for trip etc.
Website Development / Promotion /Social Media
We can use some help with administration of our website. Any volunteer with knowledge of WordPress, web development, SEO etc. will be welcome.
We need volunteers to write more content for our website. We believe describing our projects and the results will encourage new people to work with us. We would like also to put on website more information about Volta Region, Ghana and Ghanaian culture – to promote our beautiful country.
We can use some help and ideas how to promote our organisation. Maybe you will give us some advice how to run better our Facebook and Instagram profiles?
If you have experience in any other field do not hesitate to contact us. We are open to new ideas and to extend our activity.
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